Organizing an Extraordinary Wedding: Boho or Bohemian Chic!

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Organizing an Extraordinary Wedding: Boho or Bohemian Chic!

Young people who are going to bind themselves by the bonds of marriage, often think about the best character for the celebration. A wedding in the style of boho, the photo of which is given below, will certainly impress the guests, will strike with its originality, light atmosphere, the harmony of unusual elements. And how to celebrate it so that it really succeeds, will be told in the article.

History of the emergence of boho-style and its essence

Boho – what is it? This style was created in the XV century in France by creative people as a counterweight to the officiousness, glamour, pretentiousness of the bourgeois system. It is a combination of elements of different cultures: ethnic motifs are intertwined with a relaxed gypsy image, the echoes of freedom-loving hippies, country music in some places, there is a bohemian chic, seasoned with vintage notes. It would seem that together they gathered incongruous things. Yes, perhaps this style is not for every couple. But with a skillful approach, the holiday of the newlyweds can be turned into a real fairy tale.

The main signs of the boho style

To know how to organize a wedding, sustained in boho chic style, it is necessary to take into account some of the features inherent in it:

  • Natural fabrics, elegant trimmings. This can be chiffon, silk, velvet or linen materials, as well as all kinds of lace.
  • Layering, volume, draping in all details.
  • The use of fresh flowers, preferably wildflowers or garden flowers.
  • Decor with your own hands in images, outfits, etc.
  • Tattered things, ornaments, drawings add a certain zest (here you can easily open grandma’s trunk).
  • Holding the ceremony in nature: on the beach by the sea or pond, in the garden or out of town.
  • No dress-code as such, freedom of choice and behavior.
  • Simple cuisine without formal etiquette.

The color palette of the trend.

Bohemian chic or boho wedding celebration involves a mix of different colors, calm and saturated, but in natural tones. The following color scheme will look good: purple and warm beige, juicy yellow and azure, deep red with a basic white tone. Incredibly chic will look decor trendy in 2019 color marsala in combination with lighter shades. But the palette should be to the taste, first of all, of the young people themselves. Their mood, and therefore the entire wedding, depends on it. The main thing is not to do the event in too cold tones, which are inappropriate in this style.

The season of the wedding.

Ideally, it is best to hold a boho wedding in the summer. Because it is light clothing, and the ceremony itself is usually held in nature, which during this period is full of bright colors (see photos). You can also have your wedding in late spring or early fall, when you can catch some warm days. If one decides to go for the cold season, a winter scenario is also appropriate in this style. Against a backdrop of snowy nature, shades of bohemian chic look stunning. You can play with winter decor, and the guests are allowed to rest on special carpets, covered with warm plaids.

Location of the ceremony and celebration

As already mentioned, the design of the wedding in the style of boho takes place in the bosom of picturesque nature. The wedding ceremony can be held near a lush tree, originally decorating the area for guests around it. But an arch decorated accordingly can also be used. The exit ceremony looks beautiful on the beach, near a lake or the sea, in a park or a flowering garden (see photo). Complement the overall look of the holiday bouquets in jars, lanterns hung everywhere, tapestries, dream catchers, antiques, various ribbons and textured fabrics, feathers and ethnic elements.

And the venue for a gala dinner can be decorated in a restaurant located in nature, out of town. This can be terraces under a canopy or even tents, a hunting lodge with a fireplace if the wedding takes place in winter, or other original structures.

How the bride and groom should look

  1. The image of the bride and groom in the boho style should be in harmony with the overall style of the celebration. The young girl can be in a light, airy dress made of natural materials. Very delicate look lace, as in the photo below, beading, cut with an elevated waist, sleeves, flared on the shoulders. In colder weather will be appropriate outfits with elements of leather and fur. The color scheme of the dress can combine pastel shades (beige, ivory) along with saturated colors (blue, red). The bride should take care to have a stylish hairstyle at her wedding. Usually it is romantically styled curls. Hair decorations are designed to complement the image: lush wreaths, lace ribbons, flowers, headbands. Accessories such as earrings, large necklaces, many bracelets, beads will also be appropriate.

The groom’s outfit should be slightly playful and careless. Naturally no classic suits. But you can wear pants with suspenders, jeans, a vest, a shirt with rolled up sleeves. A jacket in the style of casual will be appropriate, as well as a beret, a hat, a cap or just a light creative mess on his head. Shoes should be practical and comfortable, a good option is suede loafers.

Decorating the wedding bouquet

In the boho style, the bouquet of the bride at the wedding should look in the form of a few asymmetrical composition, individually selected for the image of the girl. Here can be woven together completely different flowers. But forget about the classic roses. Much more harmonious look, for example, red peonies, fuchsia orchids or bright sunflowers, as in the photo:

Features of the design of invitations

In order for the invitations for a wedding in the boho style to fit all the design, you can use paper decorated with ornaments, lace, play with different textures and objects. But at the same time skillfully combine all the elements. You can, as an economical option, twist an invitation letter into a roll, tie it with twine or dry grass, add some symbols of the young couple. Both simple and original. The text should be concise, but clear description of the order of the event.

Other features of the preparation for the wedding event

  1. Celebration in the style of boho, as, however, and any other, does not do without guests: parents, relatives, close friends. As such, there is no dress code, but, of course, it should not be fancy evening dresses and tuxedos. Guests’ outfits can be any styles and colors, but it’s better to choose natural shades. And the bridesmaids’ dresses are light, flowing sundresses, motley and bright, complemented by a variety of jewelry and accessories. So you won’t have to puzzle over what to wear for the guests.
  2. In order to maintain the bohemian chic or boho look to the end, you should also take care of the design of such obligatory elements like glasses. They can be decorated with lace, ribbons, even feathers, but necessarily in the style of the party.
  3. A classic wedding component is the cake. It is a delicious dessert without abundant icing and pompous decorations. It is even decorated with fresh flowers, fresh ripe berries, fruits. Such a composition on the table will suit the newlyweds, as well as possible.
  4. Of course, the wedding program will not be complete without photography. Usually arranges a large-scale photo session on the background of characteristic objects. The photo area can be decorated with various elements. These are vintage books, plaids, pillows, vintage furniture, decorative cages, fresh flowers.
  5. Music decoration of the wedding party implies, ideally, the presence of a live performance. Standard popular music is not desirable. Better give preference to guitar acoustic motifs, folk style, jazz. But, since boho is a freedom of choice, the final decision is up to the young people. The same goes for the “pageants” theme. These can be unconventional, fun, fun games and quizzes. But here it makes sense to trust a professional – a wedding host.

The organization of the holiday is not so simple. Not so much the financial issue, since much can be found in grandma’s closets, as the skillful combination of all elements. Be sure to take into account the recommendations above, and then the wedding in the style of boho, photo examples of which are posted in the article, will certainly be at its best. And let the memories of this day respond with a warm wave in loving hearts!